Restorative and Therapeutic Justice for Youth and Women


After a successful track record of joint work, with the Triangular Cooperation Initiative 'Training in Restorative Justice and Therapeutic Jurisprudence', implemented within the framework of the ADELANTE Window 2021 as the most recent collaboration, in which capacity building for the design, implementation, development and strengthening of restorative processes was achieved, the Partnership formed by the Judiciary of Costa Rica, the Judiciary of Paraguay, the Judiciary of the State of Mexico, the University of Vigo (Spain) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) has incorporated the Judiciary of the Dominican Republic as a full member. Together, these entities are committed to joining forces and taking on the shared challenge of promoting a restorative and therapeutic justice approach for youth and women.

This new Triangular Cooperation Partnership provides a framework for collaboration that will build on the knowledge and tools acquired in the framework of the ADELANTE Window 2021, enabling the development of innovative solutions that incorporate and harness the knowledge acquired through a series of collaborations with European Union programmes, such as the first phase of ADELANTE, EUROsociAL+, Horizon2020 or Erasmus+.

A successful approach is once again being pursued, in which academia and the public sector jointly contribute theoretical and practical knowledge that fosters dialogue, reflection and decision-making, with positive effects on the justice ecosystem that have a direct impact on the people who rely on the administration of justice in the countries involved.

Entities and roles

First provider entities

Second provider entities

Development challenges

Thanks to the Triangular Cooperation Initiative implemented within the framework of the ADELANTE Window 2021, the challenge shared by the Partnership member entities is to offer specialised care with a restorative and therapeutic approach towards youth and women; particularly vulnerable groups for which alternative measures aimed at social reintegration have proven to be highly effective.

The Partnership member entities are at different stages of maturity with their restorative programmes, but they all agree on the need to develop strategies and mechanisms to guide the judicial practitioners who provide this service, thus building capacities to offer solutions adapted to certain factors, such as age or gender. This approach will increase access to dignified and humane justice, with the psycho-emotional well-being of individuals in mind and community participation in social reintegration.

This Triangular Cooperation Initiative seeks to share the knowledge of Partnership entities to jointly develop Restorative and Therapeutic Justice tools focused on minors, youth and women, characterised by comprehensive care that promotes dignity and psycho-emotional well-being.

Triangular approach

The Partnership member entities have different regulatory, administrative and cultural contexts, although with certain aspects in common. Restorative and Therapeutic Justice, however, has proven to be highly adaptable to each country, making it an ideal concept for reflection, feedback and the joint development of flexible and effective solutions.

The Partnership has reached a stage of maturity that allows it to identify the lines of action with the greatest potential impact, and to focus efforts on enhancing the strengths of each entity. Therefore, the knowledge of the Judiciary of Costa Rica in strategic management, programmes and established restorative procedures will be put to use, along with the experience of the Judiciary of the State of Mexico in community and youth work, the experience of the Judiciary of Paraguay in restorative processes with minors, and the experience of the Judiciary of the Dominican Republic in good practices in dealing with gender-based violence.

In addition, the extensive experience of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vigo will be harnessed through their research on the approach to gender-based crimes and Therapeutic Jurisprudence.

The combination of this knowledge will enable the construction of a model, in the form of a guide, for specialised care for youth and women with a restorative and therapeutic approach. This model can then be applied by justice system practitioners in the Partnership countries as a response to the shared challenge of providing specialised care in this sector in each of the countries.

Sectoral approach - Contribution to the 2030 Agenda

Primary SDG

Goal 16.3 Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all

Secondary SDG

Goal 5.C Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels


Goal 10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard

Goal 17.17 Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

Territorial approach

Intervention methodology

The work plan of the Initiative will kick off with a study visit to the State of Mexico, which will be the first face-to-face meeting point for the Partnership, and will provide insights into the practical approach of the Restorative and Therapeutic Justice programmes for adolescents and young adults of the Judiciary of the State of Mexico. In addition, Community Peace and Dialogue Centres will be visited to learn about the role of the community in restorative processes. During the visit, there will be time for reflection and feedback so that the other Partnership entities can provide their perspectives and recommendations to the authorities of the State of Mexico.

Immediately following the study visit, the III International Congress on Restorative and Therapeutic Justice will be held in San José, Costa Rica. The congress will serve as a meeting point for key players in the administration of justice in the Partnership member countries, where training spaces will also be provided for justice system practitioners and for those belonging to the Restorative Justice support network.

These two activities will be accompanied by a consultancy, which will document the insights, conclusions and recommendations generated in the Partnership's internal spaces, as well as those open to justice system practitioners.

At the same time, a study will be carried out to compile and analyse the body of legislation and the tools of Restorative and Therapeutic Justice for youth and women in each Partnership country, producing recommendations and guidelines to improve the care provided by justice system practitioners.

This intervention methodology will allow the Partnership member entities to learn about the situation on the ground, thanks to direct contact with beneficiaries of the justice system and practitioners. In addition, a guide for specialised care will be developed as a tool adapted to the needs of youth and women who rely on the administration of justice, as well as their environment and the community.

Direct beneficiaries (individuals)

According to Rule 9 of the Guidelines for Applicants: all persons participating in the activities of the Initiative.

This Initiative has more than 300 direct beneficiaries who belong to the Partnership member entities on the one hand, and on the other, to the entities that comprise the Restorative and Therapeutic Justice ecosystem in the Partnership countries, and who will participate in the exchanges and training following the study visit and the congress.

In addition, more than 150 people from the general public attending the congress are expected to benefit, since the event will be open to anyone interested in participating virtually.


EU contribution: 178,254.33 €

Co-financing - Triangular Cooperation Partnership: 58,709.56 €

Total budget: 236,963.89 €


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