ADELANTE Window Webinar

ADELANTE Window Webinar

The day after the presentation of ADELANTE 2, a webinar to present the ADELANTE Window was held, with more than 400 people joining from more than 30 countries in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.

In the introduction, Gaetano Viti, Head of Sector for Investment Facilities LAIF/CIF, Triangular Cooperation and Development in Transition, described the conceptual framework of ADELANTE 2, building on the concepts of demand, dialogue and projection and, in line with these, presented the three components around which the Programme is structured: institutional, analytical and operational, the latter including the ADELANTE Window.

Cooperación TriangularImmediately afterwards, drawing on the definition of Triangular Cooperation, Leticia Casañ (ADELANTE 2 programme manager) explained the main characteristics of the ADELANTE Window, detailing the concepts of Triangular Cooperation Partnership and Triangular Cooperation Initiative, with all that this entails.

Cooperación TriangularLaura Cabral (head of operations and monitoring in the ADELANTE team), using the management cycle of the Initiatives as a starting point, explained all the details related to the formulation, implementation, management, communication and monitoring of the Initiatives, as well as the documentation, resources and tools developed for this purpose, including the ADELANTE Extranet.
To wrap up the presentation, a video summary of the ADELANTE Window was shown, which served to introduce a question-and-answer session. Leticia and Laura answered a considerable number of questions from the audience (out of the more than 150 that were received), helping to better understand the nuances of Triangular Cooperation and the ADELANTE Window, as a contribution to better prepare Triangular Cooperation Initiatives in order to maximise the potential of this modality to respond to development challenges.

The session ended with a reminder of the opening date of the ADELANTE Window 2021 : Monday, 24 May.

Video - first part of the webinar (Spanish)


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