ADELANTE Window 2024

This section of the website features information about the evolution of the ADELANTE Window 2024.

Entities of different types


Triangular Cooperation Partnerships


Triangular Cooperation Initiatives


Activities (events, missions, research and analysis, training)


Direct beneficiaries (individuals participating in the activities of the Initiatives)


Countries in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean


Sustainable Development Goals


Total implemented budget

875,890.61 euros

Total European Union financing

585,992.22 euros

Total contribution Partnerships

289,898.39 euros


  • Implementation of the 5 Triangular Cooperation Initiatives co-financed by the ADELANTE Window 2024, in which 32 entities in the framework of 5 multi-stakeholder and multi-level partnerships are mobilised to carry out 22 activities aim at knowledge sharing (workshops, seminars, congresses, consultancies, study visits, internships, courses, studies, etc.), involving more than 1,500 direct beneficiaries in 15 countries in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, achieving an impact across 9 SDGs. All of this with the permanent support of the ADELANTE Team.

July 2024

  • Kick-off of implementation of the 5 Triangular Cooperation Initiatives co-financed by the ADELANTE Window 2024.

April - June 2024

  • DG INTPA's assessment of the concept notes submitted.
  • Support from the ADELANTE Team for the formulation of the approved concept notes.
  • DG INTPA's assessment of the proposals submitted.

Monday, 15 Aprill 2024

  • Closure of the ADELANTE Window 2024 once the annual budget was fully allocated. The forth edition of the ADELANTE Window was a great success!
  • Start of DG INTPA's assessment of the concept notes submitted.

Monday, 15 Aprill 2024

  • Opening of the ADELANTE Window 2024. From that moment on, Triangular Cooperation Partnerships were able to register on the ADELANTE Extranet and, from there, begin drafting concept notes for their Triangular Cooperation Initiatives.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Monday, 11 March 2024


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